WEBINAR: Future Digital Technology for Bridge Health Monitoring

31 October 2024
Start 12:00hr BST - room opens 10 minutes earlier
Duration 1 hour
Free of Charge

As part of the CBDG webinar series, this one-hour session, including Q&A, will be presented by Dr Robert Corbally of University College Dublin and Roughan & O'Donovan Consulting Engineers.

The presentation will introduce the concept of 'drive-by' bridge monitoring and demonstrate how machine learning algorithms can be leveraged to account for the effects of operational and environmental factors (e.g. ambient temperature, vehicle speed etc.) allowing damage to be detected from the signals measured on passing vehicles, providing an economical, practical, and scalable monitoring solution for structural health monitoring of bridges at a network level.

To register click here

Joining instructons will be e-mailed out on the morning of the 31 October 2024.